Friday, January 17, 2014

The Hardy boys, and Mom

I met Kasie in my women's bible study group and we love talking about Alabama football.  :-) I had the pleasure of taking their family pictures, but had to wait until Christmas cards went out to post.  Now that it is way past know how far behind I am!   They were so fun and up for anything.


Cue Music: The Adams Family!

The Adams' are very close family friends and I love them dearly.  We met at church in Franklin, TN about 7 years ago and I just cannot say enough about how wonderful they are.  Below are some family pics I took as well as some of just Dagny for her 3 year pictures.

Dagny is named after Dagny Taggert from the book "Atlas Shrugged", and her mom wanted to pay homage to that.  She has also had her picture made with these high heeled shoes every year and we continued the tradition :-)


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Meet the Heitz kiddos

Ashleigh and Trevor do I describe these two crazy kiddos??  They are adorable, goofy, sweet and awesome :)  My good friend Joanie wanted to surprise her husband for Christmas with pictures of their kids and I was more than happy to help.

A favorite Louisville Fam

I was fortunate enough to head back to Louisville to do a family mini session with my friend Maggie.  She has two boys like I do, so we both understand not only the joys, but the challenges that come along with them.  This year, though, Guido the family dog was able to join us :)

Playing Catch Up!!

It's amazing how far behind the holidays, sickness, and just plain life can put you.  I have neglected my blog and need to update, so here it goes....
The Emery Family
Ben, the youngest, is in my son Samuel's class at school.  They are buddies and so cute.  This mini family session was so much fun because everyone was a pro and everything worked!!

How stinkin' cute are those missing front teeth?? :)